About FaB Challenge

Face a Book (FaB) Challenge is a reading and information literacy (IL) programme to promote reading habit and develop information literacy skills among students during summer holidays , followed by  continuous and yearlong activities and comprehensive evaluation.


The basic objectives of the project are,

  1. to help the students to enjoy reading more and motivate them to read for pleasure.
  2. to develop critical reading skills like comprehension, speed, note taking and referencing.
  3. to develop critical thinking, public speaking & presentation skills.
  4. to promote innovation and creativity.
  5. to develop information and digital literacy skills.
  6. to make the students lifelong readers and learners.

Project Planning


  1. Students of classes 6 to 12 can register for the challenge.  Register online now
  2. Books for the Challenge may be selected from the Library based on their content and the age of the reader.
  3. The participant  may also use a personal copy of the selected book.


There are four activities a challenger has to complete under this programme.

  1. Write a detailed review of the book (in MS Word format/ type in the email body) and mail it to librarykvpattom@gmail.com.  The Challenger  can post other contents like comments, critical analysis, notes, studies and recommendations on the FaB Padlet. The reviews will be edited and published on the FaB website. Read some book reviews here.
  2. Each FaB Challenger has to prepare a scrap book titled as “My Little Book on_______”, with a review of the selected book, author profile, bibliography (list of books by the author or written on the book), character sketches, new words/phrases, drawings, paintings, quizzes, quotations, images, comments, references, etc. The scrap book shall be submitted to the library at the time of school reopening. See some samples here.
  3. Record a one minute Book Talk video based on the selected book in which the Challenger  has to present a review/reading experience of the book. Mail the video as an attachment to librarykvpattom@gmail.com OR WhatsApp to 9447699724. The video will be published on to the FaB website. Watch some book-talks here
  4. An item based on the book (review, talk, skit, quiz, presentation, etc) has to be presented in the School Assembly on a fixed date during the year. The programme can be conducted by a single challenger or a group of 2/3 challengers.


  1. The activities will be evaluated throughout the Project period and graded accordingly by a team of teachers as per a set criteria. Based on the performance, they will be awarded at the end of the project.


  1. A FaB Challenger will be considered as an authority of the particular book/author and the author.
  2. All FaB Challengers will be honoured with ‘Fab Challenger’ badges and participation certificates.


The images and videos showing the participants will be posted on the FaB website and social media handles of KV Pattom and Library. The participants have to give consent for the same while filling the registration form.

Watch the Project video

Click here to download the Brochure

Face a Book Challenege (FaB Challenege) Brochure