Story of self-belief and achieving your dreams.

‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’ by Richard Bach is a story of a determined and daring seagull whose main aim in life is to do something exemplary and memorable.For this , he practices flying day and night and soon learns to fly seamlessly to the utmost heights of the blue sky.

The story brings out the idea that every individual is capable of doing great feats if one has determination and self-belief. Jonathan is criticised for his dreams at the beginning but by the end, he is respected for his great flight which he achieved through his hard work and strength of character.

Through the story of Jonathan seagull, Bach brings out the role of powers of ambition, curiosity, struggle and hard work in an individual’s life. Believing in himself, the seagull teaches the lesson of remaining true to one’s cause and desire.

I would like to recommend this book to students of class 7 and above.

This book deserves a rating of 5/5.

Reviewed by Gauri M. Pai, Class 9

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